Sunday – Sept. 13, 2020
What is the Church?
Part Two: The Kingdom of God
1. The history of man and God is a history of God calling mankind to Himself
a. The church is the “Calling of God: – Acts 2:39, John 12:32
b. Today we will see that the church is “The Kingdom of God”
I. The church established
a. Matthew 16:18
b. Hebrews 9:16-17
c. Acts 2:1, 14, 23
d. Acts 2:38-41, 47
i. ekklesia – the called out
e. Isaiah 2:2-4
i. I Timothy 3:15
II. The inauguration of the Kingdom
a. Daniel 2:40-43
i. Daniel 2:44
b. Matthew 3:1-2
i. Mark 1:15, Matthew 10:5-7, Luke 10:9
c. Acts 1:6-8
d. Mark 9:1
III. So, is the church the kingdom?
a. Revelation 1:4-6
b. Hebrews 3:1, Letter addressed to Christians
c. Hebrews 12:23, church; Hebrews 12:28, kingdom
d. Luke 22:28-30
i. Acts 20:7
1. The church is the “Calling of God:
2. The church is the “Kingdom”
Next week, the church is “The body of Christ”