Growing God’s Kingdom
Saturday October 19
Jonathan Roberson, Douglass church of Christ
“Growing God’ Kingdom through His Eternal Purpose” 1 Timothy 2 & Romans 8
Russell Crawford, Salina church of Christ
“Thy Word is Truth”, Jeremiah 31:33-34
Jed Sikes, Emporia Ave. church of Christ
“ Growing by the Word”, 1 Peter 2:2
Sunday October 20
C.J. Gilkey, Riverwalk church of Christ
“Types of Kingdom Growth”, Acts 2
10:00 –11:00
Rob Lester, Augusta church of Christ
“Growing Like Jesus”, Luke 2:52
Ryan Rising, Augusta church of Christ
”Departure and Dominion”, Genesis 1-3
Guest Song Leader for both days is Brett Morrison, Emporia Ave. church of Christ