Kansans for Life
We support Kansans for Life, an organization dedicated to protecting and defending the right to life of all humans from the moment of conception to natural death. Activities include the Life Chain the first Sunday in October and the Baby Bottle fundraiser project.
Augusta Caring Center
We supply non-perishable food items for our local community center, which provides food and clothing for those in need in our community.

Core Community
This organization helps men, women and families rise out of poverty. Several of our members are mentors for Core Community leaders who need encouragement and friendship. We also provide meals on Monday nights for program participants and support their fundraising BBQ and auction each fall.
Clothing Give Away
Every fall, we sponsor a clothing give-away in our building helping community members in need with youth and adult clothing, coats and shoes.
Great Beginnings
An outreach of Kansans for Life, we donate clothing each year to Great Beginnings in El Dorado after our clothing give away event.
Community Cookies
What better way to thank those who faithfully serve our community than to treat them to fresh baked cookies! Some of the beneficiaries of this monthly program are our school administrators, teachers and other school staff, police, firemen, city council members and city employees.
Carpenter Place
Carpenter Place in Wichita is a faith-based children’s home providing children and families in crisis with support and skills to overcome their struggles. We participate in their “Daughters of the King” fundraiser each year by donating creative gifts and donations for their silent auction and attending and supporting the event.
Vacation Bible School
Our VBS is a summer activity for all children in our community from ages 4 to 12. One of our favorite events, this week-long program is packed with engaging and fun activities to stimulate learning about Jesus Christ and his plan for all his children.