Sunday, April 5, 2020

Scripture Reading: Acts 12:1-4 Easter Sunday

Wayne Vogel – Welcome

Terry Alley – Announcements

Jacob Vogel – Scripture Reading and Opening Prayer

Jack Vogel – Song – 3 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah

Terry Alley – Lord’s Supper

Jack Vogel – Song – 71 As The Dear

Wayne Vogel – Song – 269 Thomas’ Song


  1. Easter Sunday, What does that mean?
  1. Acts 12:3-4
    1. ho = this one, that one, the
    2. aszymos = feast of unleavened bread
    3. pascha = Passover – 7 day festival celebrating “God’s Passover” the houses in Israel because of blood on the door posts and the lentils.
      1. Exodus 11:1, 11:4, 11:9, 12:3, 12:7, 12:12-13, 12:14-15a
      2. Numbers 9:1-2, Acts 12:3-4
    4. Acts chapters 11&12
  2. Importance of Resurrection
    1. 1 Timothy 6:13, John 2:19, 1 Corinthians 15:13-14, Romans 6:3-5
  3. How should we observe the Resurrection?
    1. Luke 22:14-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26


Wayne – Song – 266 Majesty

Jack Vogel – Closing Prayer